Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Virginia Massacre

I am horrified but not surprised by the terrible slaughter on a Virginia campus. It is just a magnified example of the daily violence that is an accepted part of American culture. With over 30,000 deaths by guns in the US every year the gun is the answer for many Americans to many problems. The usual cliches about how this latest massacre will 'reignite' the gun control debate are already being trotted out. But as fast as those laudable cries surface they will be drowned out by the gun forces, most notably though that bastion of American values - The National Rifle Association.
While movies like The Departed continue to win Oscars, while actors like Nicholson, Damon, DiCaprio, Sheen and Baldwin give them prestige and directors like Scorsese are feted, then the massive Hollywood movie machine will validate violence and especially the gun culture that kills nearly 100 Americans every day. The issue of the US barging into foreign countries with all guns blazing is a strongly related problem. If you have any doubt about how Americans feed on Hollywood violence have a look on the internet at the gushing reviews that The Departed received.
HELLO.... America!! The emperor has no clothes!!


Anonymous said...

The full quote regarding the Second Amendment to bear arms is: "Amendment 2 - Right to bear arms.
A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." A letter writer to the CT suggested that America, which at the time of Independence, couldn't afford a large army, now has sufficient armed forces for its protection.
The NRA seems to be playing semantics for it's own purposes.

Anonymous said...

The gun junkies have been hiding behind the Second Amendment long after its use-by date expired. But even if it was removed tomorrow(no chance) the popular gun culture that pervades America would not diminish. Many Americans believe in the power of the gun like they believe in the power of God. The only difference is that one is real. Jonesy